Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Jumping on the Pete Evans bandwagon

I know, I know, there are probably plenty of blog posts out there after the weekend's hullabaloo over Pete Evans's A day on my plate column in the Sunday Age but I'm weighing in as well, if you're over it fine - don't read it :)

But my post will be a little different... I'm not here to crucify the guy for his menu choice, I actually applaud him for his choices and being brave enough to put it out there. It's a cruel world out there.

The thing that amazes me is that had this menu come from some Hollywood celeb there would be thousands of women rushing out to try it and 'activated almonds' would be the new black.

But an Aussie chef steps up and simply says "this is what I eat" and he is crucified. What makes one so trendy and the other, to quote anther blog out there, "slightly wanky"?

I almost like Pete's response (posted on his Facebook page) more than the original column, this is it here:
IGNORANCE is not bliss!

I'm occasionally ridiculed because I choose to eat what I believe to be a nutrient dense diet, and I find it so bizarre as to why people sometimes find my food choices so offensive? All I know is that I'm well aware
 of the consequences of eating 'dead' food. And also I'm a father and I take that privilege very seriously, so for me striving for optimum health and trying new things whenever possible, so that I can be a responsible role model for my daughters and still be able to surf right up until the end, is my choice and quite simply what works for me.

I like this quote by German Philosopher 'Arthur Schoepenhauer.'
Good on you Pete!

So why does this get up my nose so much? Well mostly it is because I can't stand other judging people for their choices. I really wanted to just write "grow up" on the posts as they came up on the day, but figured it was better not to give them my energy.

But then he posted that response and there was the comment regarding parenting - I love it!

In that little statement he had me as a fan. I really believe we all need to be conscious of our parenting activities, of our choices and of how they affect our little ones. They do, after all, rely on us for everything to begin with and as time goes on we are their check point - the standard they compare everything else to and in turn make their own decisions with this in mind. Why wouldn't we want to provide them with the best we possibly can?

When Matilda's Dad and I decided it was time for a family we embarked on a pre-conception care program with our amazing naturopath Jo. It didn't stop there - once we were pregnant, I was super conscious of the foods I ate and followed a strict list of foods that were not to be eaten. Why? Because it was only nine months and what was really more important - that lovely olive from the deli or the health of my unborn baby? To me that's an easy one.

Now I am not saying we are perfect, not even close but it was good to have some guidelines to follow and a very special goal in mind.

So to me Pete Evans choosing to eat activated almonds, coconut kefir and what ever else was on his menu to ensure his health and to provide a great role model for his daughters is something to be celebrated!

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